Yes.  ABeCeDarian provides a set of 10 storybooks that accompany levels A1 and A2 (for non-readers and very beginning readers, roughly kindergarten and beginning first grade), and so teachers do not need additional student reading materials when working with students at these beginning levels.  However,  teachers will need to provide additional reading materials when students are in the more advanced levels.  The QuickReads series is an excellent resource and works well with the ABeCeDarian materials for students reading at the second through fifth grade levels.  Teachers will also want to have students read appropriate trade books as well.  The Random House Step Into Reading series  is one excellent source for good material, both fiction and non-fiction, for elementary school reading material. 


For the most part, ABeCeDarian focuses on only one small but important part of English Language Arts, namely decoding.  The exceptions to this focus on decoding are:

1. Explicit handwriting instruction in the kindergarten/beginning 1st grade levels of the program.

2. Vocabulary development in the 3rd-6th grade level materials (Levels C and D).

3. Materials to help students learn how to spell correctly are provided for students working at a first grade level.  Additional spelling support for upper primary students to learn the basic spelling rules is also provided.

   Teachers will need to provide separate lessons and materials for instruction in composition, vocabulary, and comprehension.